[ENG Translations Available]
Teman-teman yang mengenal aku dengan baik, pasti tahu bahwa aku adalah jenis orang yang tidak suka merepotkan sesama manusia(?) Selama masih bisa dilakukan atau diselesaikan sendiri, tak perlulah 'menyeret' orang lain apalagi jika sampai memberatkan pihak lain tersebut. Begitu pun dalam masalah nge-trip, selama masih ada hostel untuk diinapi dan transportasi umum untuk ditumpangi, tabu rasanya jika aku harus menghubungi keluarga, sahabat, atau kenalan di destinasi.
Those who have known me for quite some times might notice that I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to bother other people. As long as it can be done or resolved by myself, I don't feel it's necessary to 'drag' other people. It also applies to my trip-related issues, as long as there's hostels for book and public transportation to take, I prefer not to contact any family, friends, or acquaintances in my trip destination.
Kali ini, aku harus memendam dalam-dalam prinsip tersebut. Semenjak kali pertama aku menyebutkan bahwa Belanda adalah tujuan utama trip tahun 2018, Mama langsung menyuarakan keinginannya untuk kunjungan kasih ke keluarga kami yang sebuyut dan sekampung halaman di Poigar, Minahasa Selatan. Kebetulan, "keluarga Belanda" ini juga sempat mengunjungi kami di Manado dan Poigar saat summer holiday mereka tahun 2017 lalu. Karena bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahun Mama, aku juga sempat mudik beberapa hari dan bertemu keluarga 'besar' ini.
But this time, I had to 'swallow' that principle. Since the first time I told Mama about visiting the Netherlands in this 2018 trip, Mama disclosed her desire to visit our family from the same great-grandfather (I'm not sure hahaha) and the same hometown of Poigar, South Minahasa. I have never known them or met any of them, not until last summer when this "Dutch family" visited us in Manado and Poigar during their summer holiday. It was Mama's birthday too so I went home for several days and finally had the chance to meet this 'big' family.
Selain hal-hal diatas, alasan terbesar kenapa aku rela mengabaikan prinsip dasar traveling-ku adalah karena keluarga Belanda terlihat begitu antusias menyambut kami. Mereka sudah menanya-nanyai jadwal penerbangan dan hotel, bahkan menawarkan untuk menjemput di bandara. Baik banget, kan? Hari Rabu, 28 Maret 2018 ini aku mendapat kesempatan berharga untuk mengenal Keluarga Kosakoy lebih jauh lagi, lebih akrab lagi. Belum kusadari sekarang bahwa Keluarga Kosakoy juga menjadi faktor besar dari ketidakmampuanku move-on dari Netherlands Trip 2018 🙈
In addition to the above things, the biggest reason of why I'm willing to put my principle away was because my Dutch family seemed very enthusiastic about welcoming us. They kept questioning us about the flight schedules and hotels; even offered to pick us up at the airport. Very sweet, aren't they? Today, March 28, I got this valuable opportunity to get to know the Kosakoy Family further, more closely. Little did I realize that the Kosakoy Family will play a big role in making me feel unable to move-on from this Netherlands Trip 2018 🙈
Malamnya setelah pelesir seharian hingga ke Madurodam, kami bertandang ke rumah Oma dan Opa Kosakoy di Arnhem. Kota ini berada di tenggara Amsterdam, sekitar 100 km jauhnya atau sama dengan 1,5 jam bermobil. Arnhem adalah ibu kota provinsi Gelderland yang memiliki populasi lebih dari 150 ribu penduduk. Kesan pertamaku tentang Arnhem? Asri dan teratur! Aku paling menikmati pemandangan tiap kali kami melintas dekat atau diatas Sungai Nederrijn ... rasanya pengen sekali turun dari mobil dan berjalan jauh menyusuri sungai ini, memuaskan hobi foto-fotoku. FYI, Arnhem menerima penghargaan pada tahun 2007 sebagai 'Best Innercity 2007-2009 dari Belanda'.
Later that night after taking a day trip all the way to Madurodam, we went to Oma and Opa Kosakoy's house in Arnhem. Arnhem city located in the southeast of Amsterdam, about 100 km away or equal to 1.5 hours drive. Arnhem is the capital of Gelderland province which has a population of over 150 thousand inhabitants. My first impression of Arnhem? (Somehow) tropical and very well-organized. I enjoyed the scenery every time we passed near or over the Nederrijn River ... I had this desire to get out of the car and just walk down the river, satisfying my photography hobby there. FYI, Arnhem received 'Best Innercity 2007-2009 of the Netherlands' award in 2007.
Bertemu Oma dan Opa sukses menghilangkan 'rasa lelah' Mama terhadap Bahasa Inggris yang terus-menerus didengarnya selama bersamaku. Hahaha. Akhirnya Mama punya teman ngobrol dalam Bahasa Indonesia! Kami bertukar cerita tentang banyak hal, termasuk 'merayu' Opa agar mau liburan ke Indonesia juga suatu saat nanti. Kami menikmati makan malam lezat hasil olahan Oma, Tante Grace, dan Om David. Makanan sudah mulai dingin namun tidak sedikitpun mengurangi sukacita kami. Selesai makan, kami pulang ke rumah Tante Grace karena disana lah kami akan bermalam selama 2 hari di Arnhem.
Meeting Oma and Opa successfully eliminated Mama's "tiredness" of English that she constantly heard during this trip. Hahaha. Finally Mama got friends for chatting in Bahasa! We exchanged stories about many things, including 'persuading' Opa to come to Indonesia for holiday. We enjoyed delicious dinner made by Oma, Tante Grace and Om David. The food was getting cold but our togetherness stayed warm. Afterwards we went to Aunt Grace's home where we'll be staying for 2 days in Arnhem.
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Catatan kecil manis dari sepupuku, Julie / A sweet note from my cousin, Julie |
Malam itu kami bertemu lagi dengan Julie, anak bungsu Tante Grace. Saat liburan di Manado, Julie merayakan ulang tahunnya di Poigar dan aku tiba-tiba didapuk menjadi penerjemah bagi para tamu. Kami tidak banyak mengobrol saat itu, tapi ternyata dia adalah gadis yang sangat manis dan hangat :) Aku dan Mama juga berkenalan dengan Om John, suami Tante Grace, dan Ruben, anak sulung mereka.
That night we met Julie again, she's Tante Grace's youngest child. On their holiday in Manado, Julie celebrated her 17th birthday in Poigar by helding a small worship with villagers and family from the city. I was recruited as a translator, all of the sudden with no preparation at all hahaha. (I remembered having difficulties when I tried to mention Om Freek's name, was it Fred or Rick?) Hahaha. I didn't chat a lot with Julie at that time, but only later I found out that she's a very sweet and lovely girl. Mama and I also met Om John, husband of Tante Grace, and Ruben, their eldest son.
Keluargaku baik sekali! Tahu bahwa kami masih capek dan kurang tidur karena baru bisa menelentangkan diri di kasur pada pukul 00.30, mereka 'mengizinkan' Arnhem Tour dimulai lebih siang dari yang dijadwalkan. Padahal kalau diingat lagi, alasan Om Freek mengajak kami menginap 1 malam di Arnhem adalah agar bisa mulai jelajah kota ini sepagi mungkin. Pagi hari kami dimulai jam 10.00 dimana Tante Grace sudah siap dengan sarapan. Menunya Indonesian food hasil masakan Oma dan Tante Grace kemarin yang tidak kami habiskan saking banyaknya 😅
My family is awesome! Knowing that we were still tired and sleepless because we could only stretch out on the mattress at 00.30, they 'allowed' the Arnhem Tour to start later than what has been scheduled, even though the reason why Om Freek asked us to stay 1 night in Arnhem is so that we can begin exploring this city as early as possible. Our day started at 10.00 where Aunt Grace was ready to welcome us with breakfast. The menu was Indonesian food from yesterday's dinner which we didn't finish last night 😅
My family is awesome! Knowing that we were still tired and sleepless because we could only stretch out on the mattress at 00.30, they 'allowed' the Arnhem Tour to start later than what has been scheduled, even though the reason why Om Freek asked us to stay 1 night in Arnhem is so that we can begin exploring this city as early as possible. Our day started at 10.00 where Aunt Grace was ready to welcome us with breakfast. The menu was Indonesian food from yesterday's dinner which we didn't finish last night 😅
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Sarapan lezat dari Tante Grace / Delightful breakfast from Tante Grace |
Tante Grace dan abang-abangnya memberi kami surprise pagi hari dengan mengajak ke toko Decathlon. Untuk apa? Membeli sepatu trekking! Woah, benar-benar surprise yang menyenangkan. Padahal aku cukup yakin dengan ketangguhan sepatu bot Nokha-ku (promosi) tapi ternyata emang beda rasanya jika memakai sepatu spesialis trekking yang ringan.
Tante Grace and her brothers gave us a morning surprise by taking us to Decathlon warehouse. What for? For buying new trekking shoes! Woah, it's really a cool surprise. Though I'm pretty confident in my Nokha boots' performance, it did feel really different when wearing special shoes for light trekking.
Tante Grace and her brothers gave us a morning surprise by taking us to Decathlon warehouse. What for? For buying new trekking shoes! Woah, it's really a cool surprise. Though I'm pretty confident in my Nokha boots' performance, it did feel really different when wearing special shoes for light trekking.
Perhentian pertama kami adalah Landgoed (Estate) Mariëndaal, taman perbukitan luas yang berlokasi di Arnhem dan Oosterbeek. Begitu banyak taman sudah pernah kukunjungi baik di Indonesia maupun di negara lain, tapi tetap saja yang satu ini sukses membuatku jatuh cinta. Oh ya, ada satu taman lagi yang baru aku tahu belakangan setelah pulang dari trip ini. Namanya Hoge Veluwe National Park, terletak di Arnhem juga dan tidak kalah memukaunya dengan Mariendaal. Readers yang berkesempatan main ke Arnhem jangan lupa singgah ke taman satu itu ya!
Our first stop was Landgoed Mariëndaal, a large hilly park located in both Arnhem and Oosterbeek. So many parks I've visited both in Indonesia and other countries, but still this one succeed in making me fall in love. Ah, there's actually this one park I just found out later after returning from this trip. The name is Hoge Veluwe National Park, located in Arnhem and no less fascinating than Mariendaal. If you guys have the opportunity to visit Arnhem, please stop by at Hoge Veluwe park and tell me the complete story about it ;)
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Entrance to Mariendaal |
Om Ronald, Mama, Tante Grace, dan Om Freek. Kami belum bertemu Lynn / Lynn was not here yet |
Perjalanan dimulai... / The trek begins...
(featuring Om Freek's voice)
(featuring Om Freek's voice)
Hujan sudah mulau turun rintik-rintik setibanya kami di Mariendaal. Dari kejauhan tampak sosok yang cukup familiar bagiku, siapa ya? Ternyata itu Lynn, seorang sepupu Kosakoy yang juga ikut liburan ke Manado. Aku mengenang Lynn sebagai seorang penari yang suka yoga dan sangat easy-going. Lynn menjadi tour guide kami seharian ini sebelum akhirnya berpisah dan tidak bisa ikut kumpul keluarga.
Rain started to drizzle once we arrived at Mariendaal. From the distance I saw someone that's quite familiar for me, who could that be? Apparently it was Lynn, one of my cousins who also went to Manado last summer. I remembered her as a dancer who likes doing yoga and has a very easy-going personality. She became on of our tour guides today before later this day she'd go and not join the family gathering.
Pepohonan berbentuk gerbang itu unik banget lho / The trees in an arch are one of a kind |
Di bagian dalam berceau sangat gelap sehingga hampir tidak ada daun yang tumbuh. Kita bisa melihat jelas cabang-cabang pohon beech yang berbentuk meliuk-liuk. Banyak burung berkumpul dan bersarang di sekitar pepohonan ini. Tante Grace menemukan seekor burung menarik berbulu dada merah duduk di bawah rindangnya pepohonan, tampak anteng mengawasi kami.
This kind of fully closed hedge berceau is so dark on the inside that there hardly grow any leaves. We can clearly see the erratic branches of the beeches. Many birds gather and nest in the hedge, Aunt Grace even noticed one pretty bird with red-chest standing under the hedge, staring at us in silent.
Pintu masuk berceau / Entrance to berceau |
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Tidak ada daun yang tumbuh / No leaves grow in the inside |
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Sangat gelap saat tidak ada sinar matahari / It must be very dark when there's no sunshine |
Taman Mariendaal bener-bener indah, readers. Berulang kali para Om dan Tante mengulang kalimat, "Kalian datang di waktu yang kurang tepat!" Tapi berulang kali juga aku sigap membantah, "I am not regretting this at all." Kapan lagi bisa jalan-jalan di taman seluas ini, melihat pohon-pohon berdaun oranye, di bawah siraman hujan gerimis. Dan hal paling indahnya adalah... we are the only visitors there! Mmm, emang ada 2-3 orang lain sih terutama para tuan dan hewan peliharaannya yang took a walk atau played fetch dengan riang gembira. Aku pun tak jauh beda dengan anjing-anjing lucu itu: BAHAGIA. Kalau saja tidak sedang bersama keluargaku dan tidak terikat tour duration, pengen rasanya lari-lari ke ujung-ujung taman mencari moment menarik untuk difoto.
Mariendaal Park was really beautiful, Readers. My uncles and aunt repeatedly saying the phrase, "You guys came at such a wrong time!" But I again and again denied, "I'm not regretting this at all." I mean, look at those orange-leaved trees, under the drizzling rain and little fog here and there. And the most beautiful thing is ... we were the only visitors there, except those 2-3 other people, especially owners who took their pets for a walk or playing fetch happily. I was also the same: HAPPY. If only I was alone, I definitely would have been running here and there, looking for an interesting sight to be captured.
Om Freek sedang mengecek suatu tanaman umbi-umbian untuk mengetahui jenisnya / Om Freek took a bite of a plant to find out what kind of plant it was |
Badan (yang terlindung poncho) sudah basah kuyup, tangan sudah menggigil gemetaran. Kami akhirnya beristirahat di teahouse masih dalam area Mariendaal. Pesiar dengan Keluarga Kosakoy berarti never stop drinking and eating! Hahaha... mungkin karena sekaligus menraktir tamunya sih ya. Tapi aku justru menghindari makan dan minum banyak-banyak karena takut kebelet dan mules saat asyik bertualang. Udah mana perut lebih sensitif saat cuaca dingin seperti ini. Apa daya kegigihan hati bisa goyah juga apalagi kalau sudah mengingat secangkir coklat panas dan stroopwafel sebagai pendamping. BEEEUH! Nobody says no to European chocolate and Dutch waffle, nobody.
Our poncho-covered bodies were already soaking wet and our hands were trembling. We decided to rest a little bit in a tea house within the Mariendaal area. Trip with the Kosakoy means never stop drinking and eating! Hahaha... maybe because we also treated them the same way when were in Manado. I just avoid eating and drinking too much, fearing that I'll get stomachache in the middle of an adventure. Moreover the stomach is more sensitive during this kind of cold weather. Still, my persistence and strong will disappeared like dust when seeing a cup of hot chocolate and stroopwafel on top. Nobody says no to European chocolate and Dutch waffle, nobody.
Our poncho-covered bodies were already soaking wet and our hands were trembling. We decided to rest a little bit in a tea house within the Mariendaal area. Trip with the Kosakoy means never stop drinking and eating! Hahaha... maybe because we also treated them the same way when were in Manado. I just avoid eating and drinking too much, fearing that I'll get stomachache in the middle of an adventure. Moreover the stomach is more sensitive during this kind of cold weather. Still, my persistence and strong will disappeared like dust when seeing a cup of hot chocolate and stroopwafel on top. Nobody says no to European chocolate and Dutch waffle, nobody.
Ada juga aliran sungai dengan air terjun / There's a stream and mini waterfall |
Katanya sih panjang jalur trekking taman ini 3,2 km. Masih belum separuh dari 10.000 langkah dong ya?
It's said on the website that the trekking path is 3,2 km. I guess it's not even half of 10.000 steps, is it?
Sebenarnya dalam merancang Arnhem Tour ini ada kepusingan dan kebingungan yang dialami Om Freek. Pertama, karena weather forecast selalu meramalkan bahwa cuaca akan hujan dan dingin. Kedua, karena dia belum mengenal aku dan Mama dengan baik jadi tidak tahu harus mengajak kemana. Malam sebelumnya Om Freek sempat menanyakan, "Do you want to visit a zoo?" WOOHOO, aku sempat panik sepersekian detik. Readers yang kenal denganku pasti tahu bahwa aku sudah menjauhi wisata bertema binatang (dengan Jatim Park sebagai pengecualian 😔) dalam rangka mendukung campanye Anti Animal Abuse. Tapi kalau sampai Om Freek beneran mengajak ke kebun binatang... mana mungkin aku menolak. Namanya juga sayang, eh, menghormati keluargaku. Alhasil aku bersilat lidah dengan lihainya, "Uh, since we can visit zoo in any other places in this world... so maybe we prefer to go somewhere else. But if there's no other choice, well, zoo is also fine."
Actually Om Freek was kinda confused when planning this Arnhem Tour. Firstly because the weather forecast kept saying that it'd rain a lot during days. Secondly, he didn't know me and Mama well. He had no ideas where to take us. Last night, Om Freek asked me, "Do you want to visit a zoo?" WOAH! I was kinda panicking for a split second. Some of you, Readers, might aware now that I've stopped visiting animal-theme attractions in order to support "Anti-Animal Abuse Campaign". Still, if Om Freek insisted on taking us to the zoo... I didn't think I could say no to him. I respected him, my family. But in the end, I kinda rejected and said, "Uh, since we can visit zoo in any other places in this world... so maybe we prefer to go somewhere else. But if there's no other choice, well, zoo is also fine."
Puji Tuhan kayaknya Om Freek mendeteksi maksud tersembunyi dalam nadaku, jadi beliau langsung banting setir ke... ngajak hiking. HAHAHA. Buset, aku jadi merasa bersalah kalau beneran harus membawa Mama hiking. Akunya sih senang, tapi kan kenyamanan si Mama tetap nomor satu. Untunglah hujan hanya membawa kami ke trekking tanpa mendaki gunung-lewati lembah yang pasti bikin capek bin lunglai.
Thank God, it seemed like Om Freek understood the hidden meaning in my sentences. He right away changed his mind and asked us to... go hiking. HAHAHA. Now I felt guilty if I really have to take Mama for a hike. I mean I'd definitely be happy, but my priority was clearly Mama. Fortunately we only did a little trek without climbing hills and valleys, all thanks to the rain, so we were safe from getting extra tired.
Thank God, it seemed like Om Freek understood the hidden meaning in my sentences. He right away changed his mind and asked us to... go hiking. HAHAHA. Now I felt guilty if I really have to take Mama for a hike. I mean I'd definitely be happy, but my priority was clearly Mama. Fortunately we only did a little trek without climbing hills and valleys, all thanks to the rain, so we were safe from getting extra tired.
Berhubung aku sudah menolak kebun binatang, tujuan selanjutnya berubah menjadi Openlucht Museum. YIHAAA! Puja kerang ajaib! Museum lagi, readers 😍 Entrance fee sebesar €19 per orang, bisa lebih murah lagi jika dibeli secara daring di situs resminya. Openlucht Museum memilliki konsep museum udara terbuka dimana terdapat gedung untuk pameran indoor dan taman terbuka luas untuk sejumlah aktivitas seru. Sayangnya, aktivitas ini hanya bisa dilakukan saat musim semi, yaitu 1-2 minggu dari hari ini.
The next destination now was... Openlucht Museum. Yihaaa! Another museum, I'm so happy 😍 The entrance fee is €19 each person, and you could get a discount if buying online from their site. Openlucht Museum is an open-air museum which has a large building for indoor exhibition, and large park for many activities. Sadly these activities haven't started operating, we were too early by 2 weeks.
The next destination now was... Openlucht Museum. Yihaaa! Another museum, I'm so happy 😍 The entrance fee is €19 each person, and you could get a discount if buying online from their site. Openlucht Museum is an open-air museum which has a large building for indoor exhibition, and large park for many activities. Sadly these activities haven't started operating, we were too early by 2 weeks.
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Openlucht Museum |
Senyumku lebar sejak detik pertama mobil kami meluncur masuk parkiran. Tetap tersenyum waktu tahu bahwa atraksi utama museum (pameran rumah dan bangunan Belanda) baru akan dibuka minggu depan. Masih tersenyum saat papasan dengan rombongan study tour anak sekolahan yang berjumlah 20-30 orang di depan indoor area entrance. Senyumku akhirnya layu saat museum guide mengumumkan, "Too bad all the explanations are in Dutch..." Jreng jreng~ GWS aja. Apakah ini pertanda aku harus menikahi pria belajar Bahasa Belanda dulu baru balik kesini lagi? "...but I can see that you have a private translator here with you." lanjut sang guide. Oh iya 'tul 'ugha kan ada Om Freek yang sudah terbukti handal menjadi pemandu tur hahaha. Pada akhirnya aku tetap had a great time di bagian museum bernama Canon van Nederland ini. "The Canon of Netherlands" adalah area museum yang mempresentasikan sejarah Negeri Belanda dari zaman megalitikum sampai era milennial saat ini. Katanya sih Openluchtmuseum bekerja sama dengan Rijksmuseum dalam presentasi ini, jadi aku nggak sedih-sedih amat lah ya melewatkan museum Amsterdam satu itu hehehe.
I have smiled from ear to ear since the very first second we entered the parking area. The smile was gone when I heard the museum guide said, "Too bad all the explanations are in Dutch..." Ugh. Is this a code from the universe that I need tomarry a learn Dutch before coming here again? "...but I can see that you have a private translator with you." The museum guide continued his sentence. Ah, yeah, it's true. I have Om Freek who had been proving his ability in guiding us during these 2 days. So, I had a very great time in this part of museum called Canon van Nederland. This area represented the history of the Netherlands, since the megalithic era until this millennium.
I have smiled from ear to ear since the very first second we entered the parking area. The smile was gone when I heard the museum guide said, "Too bad all the explanations are in Dutch..." Ugh. Is this a code from the universe that I need to
Yang menarik dari Canon of Netherlands kita bisa mencoba berbagai simulasi seperti games berburu, mengumpulkan makanan, perdagangan (JAUH-JAUH KE BELANDA EH KETEMU KERJAAN) bahkan 'berfoto' virtual dengan pakaian khas Belanda. Seru banget! Aku juga menikmati presentasi layar lebar selama 7-8 menit tentang sejarah Belanda. Entah jadi apa aku kalau tidak ditemani Om Freek yang begitu sabar menerjemahkan setiap pameran, mungkin cuma berujung jadi tukang foto candid. Banyak oma-opa lho di museum ini, suatu hal yang jarang aku temui di museum-museum Indonesia. Mereka tak kalah antusias dengan geng anak muda yang asyik menjajal game-game simulasi.
The most interesting thing from Canon of Netherlands was the simulations where we could try so many games like animal hunting, food collecting, even trading (GOODNESS, I'VE FLOWN TO ANOTHER CONTINENT BUT I STILL MET MY JOB HERE hahaha) There was also this simulation where we could 'took photos' in Dutch traditional costumes. Virtually, of course. Very fun! I also enjoyed a 7-8 minutes video about the history of Netherlands. Maybe if I didn't come here with Om Freek, who had been patiently explaining about all passages and stuffs in there, I would only end up taking candid pictures of museum's visitors. There were many elders in this museum, a rare sight for me especially at Indonesia's museums. These Oma and Opa enthusiastically tried all the simulation games.
The most interesting thing from Canon of Netherlands was the simulations where we could try so many games like animal hunting, food collecting, even trading (GOODNESS, I'VE FLOWN TO ANOTHER CONTINENT BUT I STILL MET MY JOB HERE hahaha) There was also this simulation where we could 'took photos' in Dutch traditional costumes. Virtually, of course. Very fun! I also enjoyed a 7-8 minutes video about the history of Netherlands. Maybe if I didn't come here with Om Freek, who had been patiently explaining about all passages and stuffs in there, I would only end up taking candid pictures of museum's visitors. There were many elders in this museum, a rare sight for me especially at Indonesia's museums. These Oma and Opa enthusiastically tried all the simulation games.
Aku, Lynn, Om Ronald, dan Om Freek berkeliling singkat di area outdoor museum, taman luas dengan rumah-rumah antik, pertanian, dan pabrik. Salah satunya, kincir angin untuk tujuan gergaji kayu, sama kayak yang ada di Zaanse Schans kemarin. Tidak ketinggalan juga camp pekerja asal Indonesia yang berdiri sejak awal 1900-an. Wah, cuma di satu kota aja kami udah bisa melihat 'seluruh' Belanda 😛
Me, Lynn, Om Ronald, and Om Freek took a brief tour at the outdoor area of the museum, it was a vast park with antique houses, farms and factories. There was a sawmill, the same as the one at Zaanse Schans. There were also refugee houses for the Ambon-Molluccan (tribal people of Indonesia) who served for the KNIL. Ironically enough these buildings were former German concentration camps (P.S. It's a new information I got from Om Ronald through chat 🙈) Isn't it cool that we were able to see the 'whole' Dutch in only one city? 😛
Me, Lynn, Om Ronald, and Om Freek took a brief tour at the outdoor area of the museum, it was a vast park with antique houses, farms and factories. There was a sawmill, the same as the one at Zaanse Schans. There were also refugee houses for the Ambon-Molluccan (tribal people of Indonesia) who served for the KNIL. Ironically enough these buildings were former German concentration camps (P.S. It's a new information I got from Om Ronald through chat 🙈) Isn't it cool that we were able to see the 'whole' Dutch in only one city? 😛
Mengunjungi keluarga tentu tak afdhol jika tidak ada "jamuan kasih"-nya. Jam 5 sore iring-iringan kami bergerak ke Middelgraaflaan. Agenda sore ini adalah makan malam keluarga di Toko Indradjaja Arnhem, a supermarket managed by The Kosakoys. Toko ini menjual berbagai kebutuhan rumah tangga, mostly kitchen needs, dengan spesialisasi produk asal/khas Indonesia. Sebut saja sambel terasi, Indomie, serundeng, bahkan bir bintang tersedia di raknya. Toko ini juga menyediakan area makan sederhana, terdiri dari 8 meja makan kecil dan food stall berkonsep prasmanan. Kalau mau request nasi goreng atau soto ayam, bisa juga. Makanannya sedap dan mampu mengobati kerinduan kami pada makanan Indonesia yang pedas berbumbu.
Visiting family wouldn't be complete if there was no dine together. At 17.00 our car moved to Middelgraaflaan. We were going to have a family dinner at Toko Indradjaja Arnhem, a supermarket managed by The Kosakoys. This store sells various household needs, mostly kitchen needs, specialized in Indonesian products. There were "terasi", Indomie, "serundeng", even Bir Bintang on the shelf. They also provided a simple dining area, consisting of 8 small dining tables and a buffet-style food stall. You can also request fried rice or chicken "soto". The food was delicious, it cured our longing for spicy Indonesian food.
Mengenalkan dagangan Toko Indradjaja / Introducing Toko Indradjaja's stuffs
(featuring Om Freek's voice)
Di makan malam ini aku bertemu dengan the rest of the Kosakoys; ada Om Bert (anak tertua Oma-Opa) dan anak gadisnya, Suraya; Om Edwin, ayah dari Lynn yang sudah pernah kutemui waktu di Manado; serta Ilona, gadis sulung Om Freek yang adalah atlit sepakbola. Makan malam berlangsung meriah dan hangat. Aku tak henti-hentinya mengagumi keakraban mereka, dan seketika jadi rindu suasana ngumpul bareng keluarga pihak Mama dari Poigar (Minsel) yang tak kalah ramainya kalau sudah duduk bersama melingkari meja makan. Penuh canda tawa, berlimpah kasih sayang.
At the dinner I met the rest of the Kosakoys; Om Bert (Oma-Opa's eldest son) and his daughter, Suraya; Om Edwin, the father of Lynn whom I also had met in Manado; and Om Freek's eldest daughter, Ilona who is a football athlete. Dinner was lively and warm. I constantly admired the intimacy of Kosakoy family and instantly missed my family of Mama's side who is also very noisy and crowded when we're sitting together around the dining table. Full of laughter, full of affection.
At the dinner I met the rest of the Kosakoys; Om Bert (Oma-Opa's eldest son) and his daughter, Suraya; Om Edwin, the father of Lynn whom I also had met in Manado; and Om Freek's eldest daughter, Ilona who is a football athlete. Dinner was lively and warm. I constantly admired the intimacy of Kosakoy family and instantly missed my family of Mama's side who is also very noisy and crowded when we're sitting together around the dining table. Full of laughter, full of affection.
Malam masih panjang, Bung! 'Malam Keakraban' kami ditutup dengan pesta bowling keluarga di Bowlingcentrum de Schelmse Brug Arnhem. Kali ini Nick (adiknya Lynn), Naomi (bungsunya Om Freek) dan Danny (pacar Naomi) yang juga sudah pernah kutemui di Manado, ikut bergabung. Selain Opa yang sudah diantar pulang duluan, kami semua turun ke arena bowling. Kami memenuhi 3 lanes di lantai bawah Bowling Central, kesannya seisi tempat sudah kami sewa untuk semalaman hahaha.
The night is still long, man! Our 'Night of Intimacy' closed with a family bowling party in Bowlingcentrum de Schelmse Brug Arnhem. This time more family members joined, they're Nick (Lynn's brother), Naomi (Om Freek's youngest daughter) and Danny (Naomi's boyfriend) which I had met in Manado. Excluding Opa who had been driven home first, we all went down to the bowling alley. We played 3 lanes on the 1st level of the bowling central, just like we rented the place for one night hahaha.
The night is still long, man! Our 'Night of Intimacy' closed with a family bowling party in Bowlingcentrum de Schelmse Brug Arnhem. This time more family members joined, they're Nick (Lynn's brother), Naomi (Om Freek's youngest daughter) and Danny (Naomi's boyfriend) which I had met in Manado. Excluding Opa who had been driven home first, we all went down to the bowling alley. We played 3 lanes on the 1st level of the bowling central, just like we rented the place for one night hahaha.
Julie, Suraya, dan Nick |
Ramai sekali kan? / So crowded, isn''t it? |
Siapa saja para juaranya? Di lane-ku yang terjago adalah Om Ronald dan Om Edwin, lane sebelah ada Om Freek (sebagaimana diakui Tante Grace bahwa om satu ini adalah yang terjago dalam ajang bowling keluarga), sementara lane para youngsters... hmm aku tidak terlalu yakin tapi sepertinya yang menang adalah Nick. Ruben membuat peningkatan yang mengagumkan, awalnya dia masih kalah dari sepupu-sepupu yang lain hingga akhirnya dia mencetak beberapa strikes berturut-turut. Julie, Ilona, dan Suraya bermain sangat bagus, aku senang sekali melihat pose mereka saat melempar bola. Terlihat sangat profesional.
Who were the winners? In my lane, it was Om Ronald and Om Edwin. Next to us, it was Om Freek (Tante Grace admitted later about his usual victory in every family's bowling event). While in the youngsters' lane, hmm I'm not really sure but probably it was Nick and Julie. Ruben made an amazing upturn though, his score was under the others but then he got strikes repetitively. Julie, Ilona and Suraya was doing very well, I loved seeing their poses when throwing the ball. Very professional.
Om David |
Om Edwin dan Naomi |
Om Edwin |
Sekian dulu cerita hari ini. Selanjutnya akan kukisahkan pengalamanku main ke pantai di Scheveningen Strand dan mempertemukan Mama dengan kerinduan hatinya: bunga tulip. Terima kasih sudah mampir, Readers. Sampai jumpa!
That's it for today. Next post I will tell my experience at the beach of Scheveningen Strand and taking Mama to her dream dstination: the tulips. Thanks for stopping by, Readers. See you later!
That's it for today. Next post I will tell my experience at the beach of Scheveningen Strand and taking Mama to her dream dstination: the tulips. Thanks for stopping by, Readers. See you later!
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